Initial Stages of Advertising in India

Concept Explanation

Initial Stages of Advertising in India

Initial Stages of Advertising in India: When Manchester industrialists began selling cloth in India, they put labels on the cloth bundles ‘MADE IN MANCHESTER’. Sometimes, the images of Indian Gods, Goddesses (e.g. Krishna, Saraswati) were used in these labels which made the product manufactured from a foreign land appear somewhat familiar to Indian people. By the late 19th century, manufacturers were printing calendars to popularise their products. Unlike newspapers and magazines, calendars were used even by people who could not read. Besides the images of Gods, sometimes figures of important persons, emperors and nawabs were used in advertisements and calendars. They denoted the message that the quality of the product could not be questioned as it was used by such personalities. Advertisements sometimes became a vehicle of the nationalist message of Swadeshi. The message of nationalist was “If you care for your country, then buy products that Indians produce.

Conclusion: The age of industries has meant major technological changes, growth of factories and the making of a new industrial labour force. Small-scale production and hand technology also played key role in the industrial landscape.


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